Saturday, April 19, 2014

Honey IPA - Trafalgar Ales and Meads (Canada - Ontario - Oakville)

Honey IPA - Trafalgar Ales and Meads (Canada - Ontario - Oakville) 5.5%

A dark, amber colour, smoke and fire kissed - kind of like the colour of sap. Resiny, coppery aroma, with a distinct sweet honey tone and touches of lavender and clover - maybe a bit of toffee too.

A fairly mellow hops flavour actually; resiny with much of the bitterness in the aftertaste. Sweet honey adds to the malty body of crusty bread and some nearly roasty malt flavours. A bit of a toffee flavour too that is well balanced by the bitterness. Also a subtle nutty flavour like the kind you'd taste from multigrain bread.

Overall I think this beer is pretty good, it's not an really IPA, by flavour or by alcohol content, however it's a fine American Pale Ale and I like the honey twist.

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