Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kellerbier - Les Trois Mousquetaires (Canada - Quebec - Brossard)

Kellerbier - Les Trois Mousquetaires (Canada - Quebec - Brossard) 5.5%

Full gold in a glass with a head of white foam that leaves behind nice lacing. A banana, herbal and slightly sweet grain aroma. There is some very fine sediment in the bottom of the bottle of this unfiltered beer but only the very slightest amount ended up in the glass.

Quite bitter with a distinct herbal taste with just a touch of citrus (lemon). Toasted bread and grain tones make up the malty body. A very bitter finish and lingering bitter aftertaste with an appetizing grain flavour and hints of the aforementioned herbal flavour. The bitterness fades as your taste buds adjust but also as the beer warms a bit.

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