Monday, June 3, 2013

Doppel Pils - Mill Street Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Toronto)

Doppel Pils - Mill Street Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Toronto) 7.0%

A full gold in a glass with an aroma of dry European hops with a malty heft - a perfect aroma for a Double Pilsner. The taste has a warm, sweet and satisfying malty body as well as the perfect amount of dry, hoppy bitterness and just a hint of alcohol - there's also a bit of a burn from the booze content. On subsequent sips other hops characteristics and malt flavours reveal themselves: a green vegetal flavour and some almost caramel-like sweetness. The aftertaste is refreshingly bitter; because Mill Street's Doppel Pils is a perfect balance of sweet and bitter flavours, this high alcohol beer is delicious but also dangerously drinkable.

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