Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blanche de Pratto - Pit Caribou (Canada - Quebec - Percé)

Blanche de Pratto - Pit Caribou (Canada - Quebec - Percé) 4.75%

Cloudy, gold with a big white frothy head. The aroma is herbal with coriander, citrus (lemon) and something highly reminiscent of pink bubblegum. Blanche de Pratto has a creamy mouthfeel but not as thick as some other Belgian style Whites - I wonder if they use a dash of oatmeal to enhance the mouthfeel like many other brewers.

The taste is, lightly lemony, spicy and herbal: coriander, not quite mind or ginger but a sort of pleasant mild mixture of the two. All in all, a nice refreshing White Ale.

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