Saturday, March 2, 2013

Special Old Bitter - Pump House Brewery (Canada - New Brunswick - Moncton) 5.0%

Special Old Bitter - Pump House Brewery (Canada - New Brunswick - Moncton) 5.0%

Gold with an amber hue in the glass. A big fluffy head with good resilience and nice lacing. Resin and cedar hoppy aroma with a bit of roast and a malty, slightly raw, grain touch. Quite a hoppy, cedar and resin taste. A bitter initial flavour with a roasty, and quite a sweet, middle and a bitter resiny hops finish.

This is such a nice "west coast style session beer" and one of my favourites. The freshness of the malt paired with the touch of roast and the perfect amount of hops bitterness makes this Pump House's S.O.B. a great pairing with any pub food from pizza to flavourful pasta to burgers. A great beer, sessionable, interesting and refreshing.

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