Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fire Chief's Red Ale - Pump House Brewery (Canada - New Brunswick - Moncton) 5.5%

Fire Chief's Red Ale - Pump House Brewery (Canada - New Brunswick - Moncton) 5.5%

A fairly dark red hued brown colour in a glass with a fluffy, off-white head. A sweet, toasty grain aroma; parts of which remind me of puffed wheat. Also a touch of the flavours from a sticky glaze's caramelized sugars (different, darker, roastier than the flavour of caramel).

Quite a nice touch of hops in the taste to go with the caramelized sugars I expect in a red and also with a pronounced but appetizing grain flavour. A sweet, almost sugary finish that doesn't linger too long before the more bitter aftertaste kicks in with a continuation of the same hearty grain flavour. A fine red from a great brewery.

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