Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kris Kringle - Grizzly Paw Brewing (Canada - Alberta - Canmore) 5.5%

Kris Kringle - Grizzly Paw Brewing (Canada - Alberta - Canmore) 5.5%

Deep brown that is pretty much opaque in a glass with minimal lacing. Hoppy aroma with a bit of barnyard. An earthy taste with some dark malt mixed with milk chocolate, coffee, touches of caramel. Spicy hops, fresh cut grass and a mild touch of pine. A roasty dark fruit finish with a lingering slightly pine hops taste.

This seasonal is delightfully all over the map, it could be categorized as a Black IPA but it's its own sort of tasty, complex and fun beer is deserving of its own category.

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