Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wee Heavy Bourbon - Le Castor (Canada - Quebec - Rigaud) 11.0%

Wee Heavy Bourbon - Le Castor (Canada - Quebec - Rigaud) 11.0%

A very dark chestnut colour in a glass. Lots of bourbon-esque wood character and barrel notes of spice and vanilla in the aroma. Something vaguely nutty as well dark fruit notes: cherry and cranberries. Slightly reminiscent of not quite chocolate but a bit of some flavours of chocolate and the kind of dark syrup you find in a dark fruit filled chocolate.

Plenty of barrel notes, wood, oak presumably, spice and vanilla and bourbon in the flavour. Sticky sweet syrupy taste with an alcohol burn, some blonde molasses flavours, sugary glaze and an often hidden nutty characteristic. Very sweet but doesn't taste sweet like refined sugar because there are so many strong malt flavours. The nice barrel flavours make this a delightful bourbon barrel aged ale. Oh and it's certified organic too!

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