Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Scottish Ale - Highlander Brew Co (Canada - Ontario - South River)

Scottish Ale - Highlander Brew Co (Canada - Ontario - South River) 5.0%

A burnt amber colour in a glass with a frothy head and good lacing. A roasty aroma of malt with a sugary glaze aspect, a touch of molasses, a bit of spice, some faint fruit esters (cherry, raisin) and a fresh-baked bread aroma: all quite appetizing.

The taste does not disappoint. Roasty but with a punch of fruit esters and light hops character that really mixes well; a touch of grain continuing the fresh-baked bread from the aroma. Highlander's Scottish Ale has low to moderate bitterness and a really nice balance between the sweetness, the bitterness and the high-flying fruit esters.

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