Thursday, October 4, 2012

Stone Hammer Premium Light - F & M Brewery (Canada - Ontario - Guelph)

Stone Hammer Premium Light - F and M Brewery (Canada - Ontario - Guelph) 4.2%

Pale gold in a glass with a fluffy head that fades quite quickly but leaves some nice lacing. Lightly hoppy aroma with a fresh smelling malt flavour with lots of grain.

Stone Hammer Premium Light has a pronounced, malty grain flavour that is either lightly nutty or more like a roasted but unsalted sunflower seed flavour that is very appetizing. It has a refreshingly clean finish with that slightly nutty, seed flavour in the aftertaste. As a result it would pair well with any food - it's not going to overpower any flavours but does a good job of whetting your appetite. This Premium Light shows that a light beer doesn't have to be bland - it's a great craft beer alternative to any megabrewery light lager.

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