Thursday, October 25, 2012

Saison Harvest Ale - Rockbottom Brewpub (Canada - Nova Scotia - Halifax)

Saison Harvest Ale - Rockbottom Brewpub (Canada - Nova Scotia - Halifax) 5.0%

A touch sour, spicy and floral with quite a bit of green and bitter hops. Quite a bitter finish. A brownish amber in a glass that reminds me of tanned leather. This mix of flavours is entirely consistent with hoppy version of the style. Saison beers typically have a touch of that sour taste and the way Rockbottom incorporated wet hops fresh from the harvest is really nice. Interestingly, the yeast used in this beer is from the same colony that has been used for three years now by the brewmaster Greg Nash.

Rockbottom's Saison Harvest Ale is an example of a rash of new beers from the Maritime Provinces that use fresh or "wet" hops (to indicate that they haven't been dried). Brewers in the Maritimes have the opportunity to use wet hops during harvest time now that numerous hop farms big and small have sprung up all across the region.

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