Monday, October 1, 2012

Hockley Black and Tan - Hockley Valley Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Orangeville)

Hockley Black and Tan - Hockley Valley Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Orangeville) 4.7%

Very dark bordering on opaque. Very nice full dark malt tones of coffee, smoke, chocolate. Smooth bubbles. Somewhat oakey aroma along with a bitterness and the dark malt. A very solid blend of stout and light ale, almost more food-like than a beer as Hockley Black and Tan sticks to your ribs and satisfies. It could even be served as a desert. Suggested service temperature is between 8 and 10 Celsius and I would heartily recommend waiting for it to warm up to that level if you had been keeping it in the refrigerator, it is absolutely worth the wait. Definitely try this one if you are a fan of either Canadian craft beers or dark beers in general.

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