Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Barking Squirrel Lager - Hop City (Canada - Ontario - Brampton and St John NB)

Barking Squirrel Lager - Hop City (Canada - Ontario - Brampton and St John NB) 5.0%

Gold with an amber hue in a glass, a fluffy head leaving nice lacing. Malty lightly roasted aroma, a touch of hops. Sweet taste with the barest roast touch and equally light (if not lighter) apple touch. A hint of astringent bitterness which is the only taste of hops that comes through in this beer. A nice lager with some complexity of flavours and yet it is still as sessionable as the label claims. My only complaint about Barking Squirrel Lager isn't really a complaint at all but... the brewer's name is HOP City; it has an admittedly bad-ass cartoon squirrel holding a HOPS nugget on its label; and it also mentions on the label the blend of hops they used and yet... Where's the hops flavour? But of course it's not required by the style and the beer is otherwise enjoyable so I won't hold my cartoon-squirrel-inspired expectations against them.

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