Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Pair from Brick Brewing's Waterloo Line (Canada - Ontario - Waterloo)

Waterloo Traditional IPA - Brick Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Waterloo) 5.2%

A glowing orange, coppery colour. A light sprucy hops aroma. Somewhat sweet, sprucy with distinct roasty tones. Quite bitter as well as hoppy. A lingering bitter as well as roasty aftertaste. A really nice IPA.

Waterloo Dark - Brick Brewing (Canada - Ontario - Waterloo) 5.0%

Dark and malty but neither bitter nor roasty. Sweet but mild caramel flavour. Some oak tones are hiding in there. An interesting beer because it isn't quite what you would expect from a dark ale and also because it is very tasty.

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